

Enhance your productivity with our sample preparation products
Sample preparation is a key step in analytical workflow. Our solutions include a multitude of consumables and automated platforms to enable fast, reproducible and easy sample preparation whatever your workflow requirements may be. From biopharmaceutical, and pharmaceuticals, clinical research and toxicology to food and environmental testing, Thermo Scientific™ sample preparation products deliver the results you need.

Automated Sample Preparation Solutions

Be more productive, reduce errors, get better results
Reduce time and repetitive functions you need to perform, while providing highly reproducible results. Thermo Scientific automated sample preparation solutions include solvent extraction, solid-phase extraction, and evaporation systems.

Dionex ASE 350 Accelerated Solvent Extractor   Dionex AutoTrace 280 Solid-Phase Extractor   Rocket Evaporator System
Extract solid and semisolid samples using common solvents at elevated temperatures and pressures. Save time, solvent, and money using this patented accelerated solvent extraction technique compared to traditional methods such as Soxhlet and sonication.   Isolate trace organics from large-volume aqueous matrices. Trap and concentrate analyte from 6 samples in 2 to 3 hours with only 15 min. of operator time. Typical applications include PAH, PCB, PCDD, PCDF, pesticides, herbicides, flame retardants, semivolatiles, nitrosamines, and steroids.   Spend minimal time and effort concentrating or drying large-volume samples in preparation for chromatographic analysis. Enjoy this system’s unattended evaporation with excellent reproducibility and recovery rates.

Sample Preparation Consumables

Get better results while saving time and labor
The right sample preparation solution can save you time and solvent, reduce repetitive functions, and provide consistency and accuracy of results. You’ll find the right solution among our broad selection of sample preparation consumables. Our most recent innovations include the SMART Digest kits for fast, highly reproducible protein digestion and the next generation SOLA solid phase extraction fritless SPE range, which provides higher levels of reproducibility and robustness compared to conventional devices.  
Find more information about THERMO Scientific Sample Preparation Consumables here.

SMART Digest™ Trypsin Kits   SOLAµ™ SPE Plates   SOLA™ SPE Cartridges
Obtain high quality analytical results from protein digests using Thermo Scientific™ SMART Digest™ Kits. A significant advance in sample preparation for biopharmaceutical protein research, the kits provide fast and simple protein digestion with high reproducibility, high sensitivity, and high levels of data quality in a format that's compatible with automation. The SMART Digest Kits are a significant improvement over current in-solution protein digestion technologies, which are not reproducible, have poor sensitivity, and employ protracted methodologies not amenable to automation.   Remove variability and optimize high throughput laboratory workflows. Thermo Scientific™ SOLAµ™ Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) Plates are designed for bioanalytical and clinical research analysts who require cleaner, highly reproducible, and robust sample extraction using very low sample and solvent volumes in high throughput workflows. SOLAµ Well Plates achieve this due to the unique and award-winning innovative frit-less SPE technology.   Grow your laboratory productivity. Thermo Scientific™ SOLA™ SPE Cartridges revolutionize solid phase extraction (SPE). This first fritless SPE product range enables greater sample throughput in bioanalytical laboratories where low elution volumes combined with greater reproducibility, lower failure rates and cleaner extracts are key to achieving better productivity.